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Cover Gossip and Reputation


cover price € 11,00
book € 10,45
e-book € 7,99
Formato:  ePub , Kindle
series "Farsi un'idea"
pp. 128, Brossura, 978-88-15-23738-5
publication year 2012


Gossip and Reputation

Gossip is powerful and pervasive, and its real target is other people's reputations. Just as actors do, each of us lives a life on the stage and another life behind the scenes. Discovering what goes on offstage in others' lives without revealing anything about ourselves can be an amusing and ruthless game, and this game is the focus of this book. Is it true that women engage in gossip to a greater degree than men? How truthful is gossip? Actually, both gossip and reputation play important roles in strengthening social ties, making reality predictable, and promoting cooperative behaviour.

Nicoletta Cavazza teaches Social Psychology and Psychology of Persuasion at the University of Modena-Reggio Emilia.

1. Due prodotti della comunicazione
2. Reputazione: una costruzione sociale
3. Il fascino del pettegolezzo
4. Fonti e bersagli
5. Anche le organizzazioni hanno una reputazione
6. Pettegolezzi e reputazione al tempo dei nuovi media
Per saperne di più

See also

copertina Lying
copertina Shyness
copertina Il rendimento scolastico
copertina Good Manners